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Shifting Paradigms

I am late posting this week. Tower issues, they tell me, but the internet has been sparse and unpredictable. It seems to be ok at the moment, so I’m taking advantage of it.

Spring is a time of renewal. This year things seem greener, and waters rush with more urgency. It has been a long and productive winter. Productive as in producing much moisture as snow and rain, but productive for me savoring the solitude, the quiet time, the time of rebirthing. Life seemed to still for a while amidst the heaps of snow, with more coming down. There was a peace that came with those white blankets that covered us, but also a time for me to just be. A time for me to get in touch with what is important in my life now, and what is just static. I hope that as spring brings things back to life, I will be guided to a new way of being that is more tranquil, more gentle, and more accepting. These are the last chapters of my life on this plane and I want to eke every precious drop of it before I discorporate. I want to be in peace and joy… doing what matters most, and tuning out all the static. I want to live from my heart, in kindness and love, feeling a full range of feelings and in love with the life that I am living. Living my truth and finding my voice. At last, following my soul path. That is my goal.

I often share bits from Archeology for a Woman’s Soul. Here is another. Enjoy!


Here, we are Soul-Makers. We wordsmith.

We make poesy and we tell stories. Our stories. Each other's stories.

We hold space for the Soul Deep Woman to remember who she is.

To Live Her Truth. To find her Voice and share her holy medicine with the world.

To live a life of meaning, fulfillment, and service. Here, you are guided to follow your own Soul-Path.

Together, we change the world through Soul Making. As we make our own Soul, we mend the Soul of the World.

We do the deep work to heal the silence of what hurts inside.

We write. Make metaphors.

Stand up for what we believe in.

Challenge norms and antiquated beliefs.

We unearth.

We claim our place in the Universal Puzzle.

We ennoble the world with who we are.

Re-imagine ourselves free. Unburdened.

Unlabeled, we give Voice to our Message of Truth.

We share the lessons learned as we traveled through the Dark Night of the Soul.

We respond to the calling to heal humanity’s wounds.

But first, we mend our own. We pick up the pieces and re-construct ourselves.

We find the inner treasure and gather the courage to share it with the world.

Together, we shift paradigms.


Photo: Art by NIkolaos Gyzis (Psyche)




40500 Road H, Mancos, CO 81328

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