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JOY! Find it, Live it.

Greetings and good morning! I don’t know about you but the past couple of weeks have been draining. Full moon, constellations out of whack, astrological mix ups? Don’t know the answer but I feel depleted. When I get weary like this sometimes I forget joy! Yes, it can still be found even when I am completely worn out and it helps restore me. It is often found hiding in plain sight; a flower blooming (or maybe it’s a weed!), the song of a bird, a smile, the laugh of a child, the touch of a hand. It is there and it rejuvenates me.

One of the great loves of my heart was Desmond Tutu. He lived joy and always lifts me up. His book, The Book of Joy, co-written with the Dhalai Lama is one of my all time favorites. I highly recommend it! 

Joy is what I am basking in today and I wish you the same, JOY!

I sometimes forget

that I was created for Joy.

My mind is too busy.

My heart is too heavy

for me to remember

that I have been

Called to dance

the sacred dance of life.

I was created to smile.

To Love.

To be lifted up

and lift up others.

O’ Sacred One

untangle my feet

from all that ensnares.

Free my soul

that we might


And that our dancing

might be contagious.





40500 Road H, Mancos, CO 81328

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