Hello all, thanks for stopping by. What a week. I don’t know about you, but the big feelings have just been completely overwhelming, and nonstop, so many of them I don’t think I can even name them all. It’s exhausting.
Humanity has shown its faces…the good, the bad and the ugly. My focus has been primarily on the good. Tears have come so often this week as amid the chaos and pain as so many have stepped up to join forces and fight the fires, comfort the grieving, feed the hungry, and they have come from pretty much around the world. That part of the week has been very heartening.
My heart truly hurts for all the pain in the world right now and I am pretty sure yours does, too. What can we do to help, or to maintain our own balance? Those who can help in tangible ways are doing so. Those who do not have those resources are praying. There is power in prayer, too. I think many of us feel our humanity acutely and our connection to one another. Maybe in all the tragedy there are some good messages. I have to believe that.
We each have to find our own center, our own place of balance. It is the empty cup scenario. If we let ourselves empty our own cup, neglect our own self care, we are useless to others. I find it difficult to turn to my self care with so many suffering, yet, we must.
A very wise woman and my dear friend, Julia Hess, offered this today. With her permission, I will share it with you. (www.juliahesse.com)
“I don’t ignore the chaos and fear and drama that I observe. I seek to balance craziness with dropping into a deeper reality and REMEMBER that there is a rhythm in the universe that vibrates with Beauty and reciprocity. All of nature sings it to us constantly. This remembering grounds me into love and helps me stay present to what is.”
Let’s join together to hold space for all the grieving and suffering; to be the best humans we can be in this incredible situation. Let’s not forget that we are all connected and do whatever it is we can do to help the world right now. At the same time, let’s be sure and take care of ourselves. It feels like a delicate balance to me.
I think all of us are seeking ways to cope. This is one of my favorite poets. I found these words comforting. I hope you do as well.
Have a blessed week. I wish you peace and love…so much love, because love is the key.
Instead of saying, "I know what it feels like", let's say "I cannot imagine your heartbreak".
Instead of saying, "You're strong, you'll get through this, let's say " You'll hurt, and I'll be here.
Instead of saying, "You look like you're doing well, Let's say, "How are you holding up today?"
Instead of saying, "Healing takes time", let's say "Healing has no timeline".
Instead of saying, "Everything happens for a reason, let's say "This must feel so terribly senseless right now".
And when there are no words to say at all, you don't need to try and find some. Love speaks in silences too.
Words' By: Ullie Kaye Poetry